First Name: Vicki (Victoria)
Middle Name: Deedee
Last Name: Birgit
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Black
Gender: Female
Age: 35
Position: Ship's C.O.---C.S.C./S.E.A. Chivalric
Height 6'3"
Weight 210
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Color: Black
Appearance Dark brown skin, full
figure, strong yet attractive with open, sincere facial features.
Personality: Commanding but fair at
the very same time. Has an easy-going, cheerful nature while also to maintain an air of professional detachment when
dealing with those under her command. Tries at all times to make time for those important to her, family and friends,
although her duties take up a vast majority of her time;
Strengths: Intelligent, hard working, with
a keen tactical mind and well developed problem-solving skills. Quick on her feet with a noble bearing and a charismatic
personality, and commanding presence.
Weaknesses: Can be something of a workaholic,
leading to the inevitable feelings of conflict concerning her qwork VS the time she wishes she could spend more of with her
family. Driven, a perfectionist a heart, she has the tendancy to push herself almost to the point of risking her health, unwilling
to admit defeat no matter how obvious.
Ambitions: C.S.C. High Command---The
Admialty Board .
Hobbies & Interests Music,
Hiking, Camping, photography
Languages: Com-speak, and some Zay-Lah-eese