The Many Worlds
of Womankind...
An Introduction:
Still somewhat under construction, still under developement,
this site is nevertheless an online SC-RPG game based on the Jim G. Styles novel, StarChild, unable to
acept quite yet new members.
And taking place some 13 years after the
actual novel itself---thirteen years after Starchild's unfortunate run-in with the evil,
lunatic "Emerog"---the Tammyite Matriarchate has since then stepped up its production of interstellar craft both exploratory
and combat.
And with this increase in the production of interstellar
craft the former S.E.A. (Star Exploration Administration) was incorporated in 2917 AD into the newly formed C.S.C. (Commonwealth
Star Command) as only one of two branches---the C.A.F. (Commonwealth Armed Forces) being the other.
Then, in the year 2918, the "Colonial Terran
Commonwealth" (or Tammyite Matriarchate) made first contact with yet another alien species... the Zay'Lah... this encounter
proving more peaceful.
And introducing the Tammyite Matriarchate
to other inhabited worlds beyond our own home system, the Zay'Lah provided Womankind
as well with detailed star charts of what lay even further out in deep space, presenting the Tammyite Commonweallth with
even more opportunities for deep space exploration and scientific research.
So producing in addition to more military
craft Womankind also stepped up its production of more StarChild Class starships---their mission:
to expand the boundaries of human discovery, knowledge, and civilization...
And among these new exploratory ships is the C.S.C./S.E.A.
Chivalric, your opportunity to be one of those specially chosen to serve aboard him---a chance to be one of those first women
to discover what awaits all of us in the great beyond.